Etiquette Classes for Children
Tina teaches Colts Mascot Blue a thing or two about table manners and etiquette and she can show you too!
Tina Teaches Manners and Etiquette
Tina has been commissioned by private schools to teach etiquette to children as young as 6 for a number of years and has been asked by mothers and fathers alike to offer further support & education in this area. Tina offers a range of in person classes at your home, school or birthday party.
Girl Scout Manners Badge - Virtual Class
Want a fun way to earn a manners badge? These 1 hour workshops are designed to teach the basics of good social skills through interactive games and role-playing. Choose what you would like your girl scout troop to learn from one of our popular topics offered. Meet & Greet Essentials, Dining Skills, Putting your best foot forward and more.
Home School Groups, Schools & Youth Groups
This fun an interactive manners class. Ideal for School Groups, Scout Groups, & Youth Groups and Family Groups. Parents, teachers and group leaders encouraged to join in.
Contact Tina to find out more